We will explore the psychological creative space as a containing space, its unfolding content and how it may be meaningful. The natural tendency of the unconscious to restore equilibrium in creative work will be discussed, together with its symbolic function. Objectivity and relating assists us in inviting the content of the work into our real lived lives. Old stories or fairytales from around the world will be used to demonstrate these characteristics of the creative process. Electronic links to the reading material will be emailed. I look forward to discussing your questions and comments, and how it might enrich your relationship to your deeper self.
Module 1

Introduction: In this discussion we explore unhelpful ways that might affect our creative inner work. We explore the importance of choosing a suitable creative medium, how to get started, and more.

The creative space: In a Native American legend, we will explore aspects of the creative space as a containing symbolic space, why this is so important, as well as an introductory approach to meaning making.
Module 2

Restoring inner balance: We will explore the tendency of the unconscious to restore inner equilibrium within the contained creative space, as demonstrated in an ancient Chinese story.

The work of David Blum: A short case study of the development of the main motifs in the work of David Blum, well-known conductor and writer from New York, who drew images from his dreams. During his illness, his creative work was an important source of meaningful support to him.
Module 3

The role of relating: By relating to the content unfolding in the creative space, we are influenced by it. In Ovid’s Pygmalion we explore how symbolical creative work may contain one in a meaningful way and how the content of the work might influence and alter an outdated conscious approach to life.
Sharing: In conclusion of our work together, there is an opportunity to share the content of our work and experience the process first hand, but it remains optional. One might share only an image, or what one feels comfortable to share.
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